Naturalist & hiking guide for the Czech Republic
My background
I live in the country not far from Prague. I started my outdoor adventures as a teenager while I went hiking and camping in the wild on all my weekends and holidays. After my high school studies I was admitted to the Faculty of Science at University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, where I studied general biology and got my bachelor degree. Later on I specialized in ecology and etology of vertebrates and received my master degree. Then I followed a postgraduate course of landscape ecology at Charles University in Prague.
I started my career as a full time zoologist. However, my passion for adventurous travelling brought me soon to a bit different career /but I´m still engaged in field reasearch as a freelancer/. In 1998 I started to get experience as a tourist guide, mountain leader and tour manager in outgoing tourism. Since that time I have accompanied Czech tourists to many parts of the world. My favourite destinations are mountains and natural wonders of Iceland, Norway, Scotland, Spain, Portugal as well as Latin America, Nepal and many more.
I travel the world but I still love going hiking and camping wild in my country in my free time. And I´m very happy to share my knowledge and experience with nature lovers and hiking enthusiasts from around the world.